No ministry news today - just a thought. In my experience talking to people, high on their lists in life is making a difference. You can make a lot of money and have great fame but at the end of your life I don't think these are the things that will be on your mind. What you will be thinking about are people. You will be thinking about your family, friends and others who have passed through your life. And specifically, you will be considering whether you made a difference in their lives. Are they better off because they knew you? Are their lives better in some way because of your involvement in their lives?
As believers in Christ this is especially important. Because God's Word expects us to love and care for those around us. And it is those who have the greatest need that deserve our greatest attention. Whether we pass a person on the street this afternoon or travel around the world to meet them it is our responsibility to love and act. I don't know exactly what that looks like for you. That is for you to decide. That is between you and God. But whatever it is or looks like, just do it.
Cheryl's life verse is Proverbs 3:27. "Do not withhold good from those who deserve it when it's in your power to help them." When you see someone in need today, consider that to be a challenge from God. A challenge for you to personally meet that need. If we all do this, the world will be a difference and better place.
Serving on your behalf,
Jim & Cheryl Warner
As believers in Christ this is especially important. Because God's Word expects us to love and care for those around us. And it is those who have the greatest need that deserve our greatest attention. Whether we pass a person on the street this afternoon or travel around the world to meet them it is our responsibility to love and act. I don't know exactly what that looks like for you. That is for you to decide. That is between you and God. But whatever it is or looks like, just do it.
Cheryl's life verse is Proverbs 3:27. "Do not withhold good from those who deserve it when it's in your power to help them." When you see someone in need today, consider that to be a challenge from God. A challenge for you to personally meet that need. If we all do this, the world will be a difference and better place.
Serving on your behalf,
Jim & Cheryl Warner